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  • Writer's pictureOlivine Moss

Olivine (Peridot) Myths Legends Poetry and Uses

Updated: Dec 2, 2023


New beginnings

Spiritual freedom



Myths and Legends

The Gem of the Sun

Olivine is a volcanic mineral created deep in Earth’s mantle pushed up to the surface through volcanic eruptions and is often used in jewelry.

Occurs on other rocky planets with a molten core and can be delivered to Earth in meteorites that enter our solar system from the destruction of other rocky planets like Earth.

In Ancient Egypt the Peridot was a precious stone and was rare in gem form. The ancients considered it as precious as diamonds for a period. Ancient Egyptians held a large Peridot deposit that has been exhausted today.

Peridot is also known as chrysolite and was a prize possession of the ancients and was written about by Pliny the Elder.

Greek Epiphanius of the 4th century, claimed that the Diadem be set with olivine stone in gold to exert its full power, which was to dispel any harmful night spirits.

An Olivine talisman made to ward off evil is made by "piercing a hole in a Olivine gem and stringing it with the hair of an ass then attach it to the left arm".

If the image of an ass is carved on Peridot, the wearer may have the ability to predict the future.

If a vulture is carved into chrysolite, the talisman has the power to control demons and the winds and guards against the demons congregating near the gem.

In the "Serpent Isle" of The Red Sea in ancient Egypt a small island littered with Peridot gems was discovered by ancient sailors and brought back to the TheBan Queen of Egypt and they were revered ever since. The great Pharaohs of Egypt treasured the Island so much, entering the island was punishable by death. Cleopatra famously adored peridot and was known as the Evening Emerald due to its glowing properties.

Peridot dates back to the Hebrews and The Bible, where Moses created a Mosaic Breastplate that represented the 12 tribes of Israel and embedded the plate with twelve precious stones with the second stone thought to be Peridot.

The Legend of Pele

The Goddess of Fire, Lightning, Wind, Dance and Volcanoes

A Hawaiian legend, The fire Goddess Pele's home is believed to be in the crater of Kilauea, one of the worlds most active volcanoes at the center of the Ring of Fire. The legend goes, she came from Tahiti in the French Polynesian Islands and was banished by her father for her explosive temper and seducing her sister's husband, who is named Namakaokahai, the Goddess of the Sea. Some legends say Namakaokahai followed Pele to the Hawaiian Islands and an epic battle ensued! Pele lost the battle and barely escaped with her life.
It is said that The Fire Goddess Pele sheds tears of olivine from her fiery volcanoes and removing any volcanic rock or peridot/olivine gems from the islands will make you cursed!


Olivine Uses

Jewelry and spiritual.


The young man he had wandered many a mile and more Cross foreign lands, and countless seas, to reach a distant shore Driven by the hope's he held implanted as they'd been Deep within the wickerwork of life's eternal dream Though warm of flesh, the heart was cold, no love had 'ere he known And look he must for one sweet maid to melt his heart of stone To feel upon his worried brow the softness of her lips The touch of her caresses, the feel of her fingertips And to an isle he came at last, a jewel upon the sea And landing on its glittered sands of sparkling diamante He wandered through a forest, each tree of emerald shone Saw waterfalls of crystal gleam reflections of he alone And then, a vision seen, a pearl so bright and full of fire That took the shape of maidenhood and filled his hearts desire Of golden hair and amber lips that parted with a smile And beckoned come you hither and lie with me awhile He knelt before the maiden and to her heart be sworn To worship at her alter, and kneel before her throne She looked upon her suitor, her smile had all but gone For 'ere his young heart melted, the maiden turned to stone




References and Further Reading

King, Hobart M. “Olivine: A Rock-Forming Mineral. Used as the Gemstone Peridot.”, 2011,

Burnham, Sarah Maria. Precious Stones in Nature, Art, and Literature. Google Books, B. Whidden, 1886, Accessed 3 Mar. 2023.

Kunz, George Frederick. The Curious Lore of Precious Stones: Being a Description of Their Sentiments and Folk Lore, Superstitions, Symbolism, Mysticism, Use in Medicine, Protection, Prevention, Religion, and Divination, Crystal Gazing, Birthstones, Lucky Stones and Talismans, Astral, Zodiacal and Planetary. Google Books, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1913, Accessed 3 Mar. 2023.

“The Legend behind Hawaii’s Goddess of Fire | Roberts Hawaii.” Roberts Hawaii, 2019,


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